Wednesday, October 29, 2008

[NiBiRu] SeaRCHiNG FoR NiBiRu

Mayan Prophecy forecast the End of the World in 2012 as Planet X approach the Solar System

Are You Ready?

(video on Earth suffering catastrophe as Planet X appear closeby, 10 min)

Why 2012? (Speculative essay on Mayan long count calendar that ends near end of December 2012)

Apocalypto film director Mel Gibson says world will end in 2012 with a cheerful demeanor

7 Reasons World will end in 2012

Description of Nibiru's orbital path (graphical figure)

New Scientist magazine: The planet that stalked the Earth

NASA suppress the knowledge of "Planet X"

The search for "Planet X" as a darker companion to the Sun (numerous partial articles published in New York Times, Newsweek, etc)

Planet X Video with experts on the Dark Star theory
Possibly as Large as Jupiter; Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered

Washington Post - Friday, December 30, 1983, Page A1 (front page)

This may be the future event of "Galactic Alignment" (Q&A: what is galactic alignment?)

Nibiru - Planet of the Crossing (YT, 4 min)

Background information: Nibiru & the Anunnaki

The Timing of Nibiru's Last Appearance

NIBIRU 2012 - THE END? (7 min)

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